How much does it cost to travel the world?

There was one common theme while researching for almost two years about this trip. MONEY. The first and most natural question everyone has is, “Can I do this financially?” I would venture to guess the majority of people want to travel, but money is often times the first reason they will give as to why it’s not possible. Our goal is to be totally transparent with finances and hopefully provide a roadmap for anyone else that has doubts about the financial part of this.

We have saved and put aside $40,000 for this trip. That’s roughly $110/day.

Pre-Trip Costs and considerations

This section will lay out our costs before we even got on an airplane. We’ll also cover other considerations and decisions that must be made prior to leaving.

Tips to saving some $$Moolah$$

Unfortunately there are no tricks to get you to your goal. But here are some tips that might help get you there a little faster.

How much does “Fill in blank country” cost?

We will be keeping track of every dollar we spend in each country. Follow along in a spreadsheet that you will see updated in real-time as we travel.