Dos Hobos

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Luck Runs out in Vienna Austria

Okay, arguably Caitlin’s luck started to turn in Poland with the scooter wreck. But after a good two weeks in the mountains and then Prague, everything seemed to be on the up and up. Enter, Vienna.

Our first day in Vienna we walked over to see Belvedere Castle. Caitlin’s toe / foot had started to hurt that morning, but she was still able to walk around. It was raining pretty consistently all day so we decided to take our adventures inside and get one of Vienna’s renowned chocolate tortes at one of their infamous cafes. Turns out everyone else in Vienna had that plan. The lines to get into the cafes were down the block. We changed course and researched the Freud Museum, only to find out it’s under renovation and in the meantime, the majority of it is shut down. Plan C- we went to the Rathaus (town hall) but that was under construction. By this time Caitlin is hobbling around pretty bad, but she wants to see something before we head back to home base. We went to the State Hall and the library, which was a point in the win column. This place is amazing, very reminiscent of the Beauty and the Beast library.

That night and the next morning it was apparant that there was something seriously wrong with her toe, and all signs were pointing to it being broken. Being stubborn, she wanted to go see the large palace in Vienna and decided that picking up some crutches along the way would be the ticket. So we did that, got her moving again and went to see the Schonbrunn Palace. This place is huge. We did the smaller tour that consisted of 20-some rooms, instead of the 40+ grand tour. We then toured the gardens a bit before heading back to the Old Town to try our hand at one of the cafes we couldn’t get into the day before.

We got into the Cafe Sacher! It was filled with red velvet and chandeliers and we ordered a chocolate torte they’ve been known for, for over 100 years. It was phenomenal! We also tried the apple strudel, which was also fantastic. After spending some time at a local brewery (1856?) we headed home, with Caitlin’s foot more inflamed and in pain from spending the day on it.

We took off to Bratislava the next day!