How Much Did Czechia Cost?

We spent about 9.5 days in Prague but we are just going to go with 9. Below is our cost breakdown for 9 days in Prague.

Out total here was a bit higher than expected but not by much. For the first time in a while, we can contribute that to our cost of lodging. Our goal has been $50 or less/day for lodging and Prague came in at $53 (8 nights). $50 is just the goal and in most places we have been getting places for about $35/night. If we use that amount, $35x8 = $280 which is $145 lower than what we spent. And if you figure in that savings, overall we are below our goal of $110 a day.

Location, comfort and a kitchen were priorities for us in Prague since we were going to be there for so long. That came at a slightly higher price.