How Much Did Egypt Cost?

Egypt is very similar to Peru and Bolivia. How so? Well there are indeed very cheap places BUT more than likely you are going to these countries for specific sites within the country. These sites cost money to go see them. In Peru, you are limited in how you get to Machu Picchu so you are at their mercy. In Egypt, I think there are numerous ways to get to the sites like the Pyramids and Valley of the Kings but the most efficient and safest ways cost more. We also saw a lot big tour groups and those are going to be VERY expensive. Food is cheap. Lodging is going to be more expensive than you might think and once again you are paying for safer neighborhoods. Here is our cost sheet and please look at the note below!

Notice the Activities cost is absurdly low. Luckily, Caitlin’s parents’ Christmas present was for us to partake in some tours. We do these cost sheets not only to show you what it might cost to do a similar trip but also for our own records. Hence, the costs aren’t listed. However, we want to be transparent about the cost of these tours. The total cost for the Giza Pyramids tour w/other sites was $140 (not including tips and drinks). The total cost for the whole day Luxor tour was $200.