Summary - I call this toilet “The jail cell” because it was my own personal dungeon for 2 days while I fought valiantly against a little something called traveler’s diarrhea. This poor toilet and bathroom didn’t know what was coming. I want to rate this bathroom fairly, despite how much I despised this hostel.
The crime scene
Ambiance - Whatever. I was so sick I didn’t care.
Cleanliness - This one I can actually talk to because I did find myself staring at either the floor or the ceiling and both were in great shape!
View - As you will see in the photo, it’s your typical sink and shower view. However, I took this photo as I left because I didn’t really comprehend there was any other view besides the floor.
Toilet Paper Situation - Thank God this was one of those rolls they use at a concert where 50,000 people attend and they plan on the supply getting them through it. Now the only unfortunate part is that ever since we left Lima, we are seeing signs on EVERY toilet saying don’t throw ANY paper in the toilet. Needless to say I broke that rule and the toilet was still there when I left. The toilet was VERY fortunate!
Privacy/Safety - Between the public and me, there were no worries. The only worry for me was that I would come out and Caitlin would have flown back to Iowa. There was a hole where glass is supposed to be above the door. Luckily she was understanding and most of the action happened while she was sleeping.
Overall Rating - I want to give this toilet 10 stars and a gold medal for enduring my wrath. I strongly disliked the hostel it was housed in, but toilets don’t choose where they are placed.