Toilet Review 8 - "The Joker's Room" (Budapest)

Summary - In honor of the very controversial film “The Joker,” I have decided to name my Budapest toilet review after the famed villain. I mean when you look at the pictures, doesn’t this look like a place he would escape to take care of his business? The colors hurt your eyes but that isn’t the only peculiar thing about this toilet.


View - Colorful.


Ambiance - I personally enjoyed the ambiance. There are so many boring bathrooms out there filled with boring colors, sea shells, maybe even a weird family photo but not this one. Your senses are heightened in this bathroom and while I was a little confused every time I left, I still walked out in a better mood than when I entered.


The Toilet - I call these toilet reviews but rarely do I ever review the actual toilet itself. This particular toilet deserved its own category because I’ve never seen anything like it. If you are not familiar, a toilet usually has a hole with water in it directly below where “contents” are dropped. This one however, had a ledge directly below where contents go and then the actual water hole is way up at the front of the bowl. I won’t go into details but you can probably figure out why this might be a disgusting problem for me… stuff just hangs out on the ledge. I feel like a very common question from users would be, “If I ever met the person who did this, I would give him/her a piece of my mind.” Not me. If I ever met the person who designed this toilet, I would buy them a beer and ask them, “Why? What have your past experiences been that would ever make you think a toilet with a collectors ledge is a good idea?”


Toilet Paper Situation - Fantastic. The roll was within arm’s reach and on a solid roller that doesn’t fall off if you spin too hard.


Privacy/Safety - My other big gripe with this bathroom setup was the door. On the top and bottom there are two holes in the door that almost resemble mail slots except there was nothing covering these mail slots! There are two problems with this. Number 1 is obviously that if my wife or anyone else in the apartment was inclined to have a look, there would be nothing stopping them from doing so. I don’t know why they would ever want to do this but just knowing it’s a possibility makes for an uneasy experience. The second problem is smell. I don’t know the specifics around how scents travel but I was always under the impression that a door was used to trap in all of the toxic smells so how can that happen when there are two mail slots in the door?! To make matters worse the bathroom is connected to the bedroom so nothing says, “Night hunny,” like a whiff of poo.


Overall - I enjoyed the colors and that my first reaction upon entering was, “what in the hell?” BUT you can’t have two mail slots without covers. And the water hole needs to be in the correct spot within the bowl. Unfortunately, these are two very important items that affect a bathroom’s rating.
